Charlie Mankin is a cross stitch designer based in Somerset, UK with her husband and two fat cats. She has always been crafty but with the launch of Stitchsperation in 2016 she combined her love of bright colours, modern design and typography. Her cross stitch kits are vibrant and feature inspirational quotes stitched onto brightly coloured, hand-painted fabric.
Stitchsperation is in these issues. Click on the covers to find out more.

Christmas Cross Stitch | XStitch Issue 24

Happy Cross Stitch | XStitch Issue 19

Funky Cross Stitch | XStitch Issue 18

Adventure Cross Stitch | XStitch Issue 17

Retro Cross Stitch | XStitch Issue 15

Lucky Cross Stitch | XStitch Issue 13

Love Cross Stitch | XStitch Issue 7

Hero Cross Stitch | XStitch Issue 5

Best Cross Stitch Designs | XStitch Greatest Hits Vol. 1