
The Hawthorn Tree

Karen Eley, aka The Hawthorn Tree, took up cross stitch as a serious hobby in her late teens and by the time she graduated from Keele University it had become an obsession and she had begun creating her own designs. Her style has evolved over the years but she prefers to keep things as simple as possible.

As a nature-loving history graduate, Karen finds inspiration for her designs in many places; her two biggest influences are Celtic art and birds.

The Hawthorn Tree is in these issues. Click on the covers to find out more.

XStitch Magazine Issue 10 - Mixtape Vol. 2

New Cross Stitch | XStitch Issue 10

XStitch Magazine Issue 9 - Orient

Orient Cross Stitch | XStitch Issue 9

XStitch Magazine Issue 4 - Green

Green Cross Stitch | XStitch Issue 4

XStitch Magazine Issue 2 - Beats

Urban Cross Stitch | XStitch Issue 2