
You chose Doctor Strange!

Doctor Strange 1 - Cross Stitch Pattern

You are balanced in science and magic, and you are committed to helping others. Your connection with deep mysticism provides a powerful sense of direction.

Your XStitch choices are:

XStitch Magazine Issue 9 - Orient
XStitch Magazine Issue 9 – Orient

Orient yourself with our collection of 17 modern cross stitch patterns from our international design family that give you a taste of that eastern aesthetic.

XStitch Magazine Issue 13 - Fortune
Issue 13 – Fortune

Fortune comes in many ways. Whether you are manifesting money or searching for answers in the stars, our Fortune issue will give you plenty of meditative moments!

XStitch Magazine Issue 6 - Mixtape Volume 1
Mixtape 001
XStitch Magazine Issue 10 - Mixtape Vol. 2
Mixtape Vol. 2
XStitch Magazine Issue 14 - Mixtape Vol. 3
Mixtape Vol. 3
Issue 18 - Mixtape Vol. 4
Mixtape Vol. 4

If this doesn’t tickle your fancy, or you’ve already bought them (high five!),
have no fear for we have loads of amazing back issues
and an amazing roster of design talent in the mix!
There’s bound to be something that you’ll like, so choose either button below and dive in!

Designer Archive Button Square - Cross Stitch Pattern
Back Issue Archive Button Square - Cross Stitch Pattern

All Marvel characters and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof are Trademarks & Copyright © 1939–2022 Marvel Characters, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

If this doesn’t tickle your fancy, or you’ve already bought them (high five!),

have no fear for we have loads of amazing back issues and an amazing roster of design talent in the mix!

There’s bound to be something that you’ll like, so choose either button below and dive in!